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Gemstone Meanings



A stone of strength. Protective properties encourages self-confidence and inner stability. Eenhancing creativity and strengthens the intellect. It is also known as a good luck stone. As a stone of harmony as it balances and increases energies.



A stone of truth, honor, communication, integrity, hope, and trust. It is said to enhance intuition, psychic powers, creativity, intellect, and psychic ability. Said to be beneficial to communication.  It is noted to lessen stress and self-defeating behaviors by calming and building self-esteem. 



Amethyst is an extremely powerful and protective stone. Teaches us to access and follow our intuition. Helps one feel focused and facilitates the decision-making process. Enhances memory and improves motivation. Used to balance highs and lows and to promote emotional centering. Aids to purify the body of negative energies.



Healing and balancing Energies. Aids communication and self-expression on all levels. Draws off negativity about oneself and others. Clears confusion, expands knowledge, eases sorrow, apathy and anger. Reduces irritability and emotional exhaustion.


Blood stone

A powerful healer. Heightening intuition and creativity. Grounding negative energies and cleansing the body. Reduces confusion, stress, and anxiety and brings courage. Calming the mind and helping with the decision-making process.


Blue Howlite

A calming stone, to relieve and absorb anger to give a peaceful mind. It’s soothing energy dissolves tension and anxiety. Aiding with insomnia caused by an over active mind, and improving energy levels. Provides wisdom and insight. aids in achieving ambitions.



Helps draw off negative energy of all kinds. Invokes great inner strength,
Stone of tranquility and joy.expression of aidingheart felt communication and honesty.with



Known as the “Supreme Nurturer,” Jasper is an earthy stone of grounding and stability, providing comfort and security, strength and wholeness.  Alleviates stress, induces tranquility and eliminates negative energy. Useful for soothing the nerves and increasing one’s focus. Reminds people to help each other.


Lapis Lazuli

A protective stone, releasing stress, bringing deep peace and serenity. Encourages taking charge of life. Reveals inner truth and aids self-awareness. Allows self-expression without holding back.


Moss Agate

Strongly connected with nature. A stone of new beginnings.
Said to refresh the soul and enable you to see the beauty in all you behold. Improves self-esteem, and releases fear and stress.
Balances emotions, and encourages trust and hope.



Subtle yet highly energetic. It is ideal for meditation. Improving communication on all levels, especially the spiritual.  It removes energy blockages, emotionally, assisting during transitions of all kinds.  It stimulates persistence and gives us strength in verbalising hidden feelings. Said to stabilise mood swings and helps in overcoming fatigue.


Considered a “master healer”.
Excellent for unblocking energy or treating any condition.
Helps to facilitate growth & awareness. Excellent stone for meditation & brings clarity to the wearer. It also enhances communication and social ease.


Rose Quartz

Used for opening your heart’s center & healing your emotions.
Enhances tenderness, kindness, peace & encourages us to be loving, compassionate, peaceful & gentle.



A stone of logic, rationality, and efficiency. It is helpful for stimulating thought, and eliminating mental confusion. It is a stone of truth, and communication, stimulating you be true to yourself.

Tiger eye

Bringing protection, courageA stone of peace,



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